Posted in Designated Link Day, Gear, Milk, etc.

hitting the bottle

May I present the newest member of Madeline’s sippy cup collection?
I hope that this Nalgene Grip n’ Gulp proves to be the answer of our leaky sippy cup woes! In any event, Madeline seems to really like her new beverage containers, and I’m happy because when she outgrows the spouts, we can just buy regular replacement lids! Whee! I love things that grow with a kid! 
Cool stuff for this week:

5 thoughts on “hitting the bottle

  1. We have that bottle and use it a ton. If you are using it with the valve, be aware that if the bottle drops or is banged around a lot, the valve can pop out, leading to a very wet child. But we’re very happy with it. Sadie loves drinking her wah-tah from a big girl bottle.


  2. You have a great blog. Everytime I come here there is something interesting to read or a good link to make me think for the next few days. Great job!


  3. Ann – thanks for the heads-up on the valve in the Nalgene bottles. Hopefully I’ll see it floating around and be able to remedy the situation before anything gets soaked!
    Thanks for stopping by, Alexandra and CityMama!
    Me, too, nonlineargirl! Madeline likes to eat regular crayons, so I don’t buy them, and don’t have any stubs to make the wedge crayons out of! Hopefully I’ll remember to check back here in a year or so!


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